Real Analysis

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last update: 18 July 2014

Lecture 23

A field is a set 𝔽 with operations +: 𝔽×𝔽 𝔽 (a,b) a+b 𝔽×𝔽 𝔽 (a,b) ab such that

(a) if a,b,c𝔽 then (a+b)+c=a+(b+c),
(b) if a,b𝔽 then a+b=b+a,
(c) there exists 0𝔽 such that if a𝔽 then 0+a=a and a+0=a,
(d) if a𝔽 then there exists -a𝔽 such that a+(-a)=0 and (-a)+a=0,
(e) if a,b,c𝔽 then (ab)c=a(bc),
(f) if a,b,c𝔽 then (a+b)c=ac+bc andc(a+b) =ca+cb,
(g) there exists 1𝔽 such that if a𝔽 then 1·a=a and a·1=a,
(h) if a𝔽 and a0 then there exists a-1𝔽 such that aa-1=1 and a-1a=1,
(i) if a,b𝔽 then ab=ba.

The positive integers is the set >0= { 1, 1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1+1, } with addition given by concatenation so that (1+1)+(1+1+1) =1+1+1+1+1, for example. The counting by k function is mk:>0>0 given by mk(1)=kand mk(a+b)=mk (a)+mk(b). For example: m5: >0 >0 1 5 2 10 3 15 Multiplication on >0 is given by >0×>0 >0 (k,) mk() The nonnegative integers is the set 0={0,1,2,3,} where 2 really means 1+1, 3 really means 1+1+1, etc.

The integers is the set ={,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,} with addition and multiplication determined from >0 and the axioms of a field, except (h).

Define a relation on by xy if there exists n0 such that x+n=y.

The rational numbers is the set = { ab|a,b, b0 } with ab=cdif ad=bc, and ab+cd= ad+bcbdand ab·cd= acbd.

The real numbers is the set =0 0, where 0 = { aa-1 a1a0·a-1 a-2. |0, ai{0,1,,9} } 0 = { -aa-1 a1a0.a-1 a-2| 0,ai {0,1,,9} } and a=bifa-b= 0.000 where addition and multiplication are given by a+b to an accuracy of k decimal places is a(-k-1)+b(-k-1) (addition in ), with a-k=a a-1a1 a0.a-1a-2 a-k000 and ab to an accuracy of k decimal places is a(-m-k)· b(--k) (multiplication in ) if ?????????

The complex numbers is the set ={a+bi|a,b} withi2=-1, the addition and multiplication in and the properties of a field determining the addition and multiplication in .

For example: (3+2i)+ (5+7i)=8+9i and (3+2i) (5+7i) = 15+21i+10i+14i2 = (15-14)+31i=1+31i and (3+2i)-1= 1(3+2i) (3-2i)(3-2i) =19-4(3-2i)= 35-25i. Graphing: 3-2i 2-3i i

Let a=210.98765432109876543210987 and b=b=100101.101001000100001. Compute a+b and a·b to 10 decimal places. Well 210.987654321098765... 100101.101001000100001... 100312.088655321198766... 7or... and b=105+102+1+ 10-1+10-3+ 10-6+10-10+ 10-15+10-21+. So 105a = 21098765.432109876543210... 102a = 21098.765432109876543... (105+102)a = 21119864.197541986419753... a = 210.987654321098765... (105+102+1)a = 21120075.185195307518518... 10-1a = 21.098765432109876... 21120096.283960739628394... etc.

Notes and References

These are notes from a 2010 course on Real Analysis 620-295. This page comes from 100503Lect23.pdf and was given on 3 May 2010.

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