Real Analysis
Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia
Last update: 18 July 2014
Lecture 24
A field is a set with operations
such that
(a) |
if then
(b) |
if then
(c) |
there exists such that
if then and
(d) |
if then there exists such that
(e) |
if then
(f) |
if then
(g) |
there exists such that
if then and
(h) |
if and then there exists
such that
(i) |
if then
Let be a field and let
Show that
Proof. |
Add to each side and use (d) to get
Let be a field and let
Show that
Proof. |
By (d),
Add to each side and use (d) to get
Let be a field and let with
Show that
Proof. |
By (h),
Multiply each side by and use (h) and (g) to get
Let be a field and let
Show that
Proof. |
By (f),
where the last equality follows from Example 1. So, by (g),
Add to each side and use (d) and (c) to get
Let be a field and let
Show that
Proof. |
(-a+a)b,by (f)
0·b,by (d)
0,by Example 1.
Add to each side and use (d) and (c) to get
Let be a field and let
Show that
Proof. |
Let be a set.
A total order on is a relation on such that
(a) |
if and
and then
(b) |
if and
and then
(b) |
if and
or then or
An ordered field is a field with a total order such that
(a) |
if and
(b) |
if and and
Let be an ordered field and let with
Show that
Proof. |
Assume and
by (OFb).
So by (Fd) and (Fc).
Let be an ordered field and let with
Show that
Proof. |
Case 1:
Then by (OFb).
So by F Example 1.
Case 2:
Then by Example 1.
Then by Case 1.
So by F Example 6.
Let be an ordered field. Show that
Proof. |
By (Fg),
Let be an ordered field. Let with
Show that
Proof. |
Assume and
By Example 2,
So by (OFb).
So by (Fh) and F Example 1.
Let be an ordered field and let
Show that if and then
Proof. |
Let be an ordered field and let
Show that if then
Proof. |
So and
Then, by Example 4, and
Thus, by (OFb)
Since then by (OFa).
So, by (OFb),
So, by (Fh),
So, by (OFa),
Let be an ordered field. Let
with and Then
Proof. |
Assume and and
To show:
(a) |
If then
(b) |
If then
(a) Assume
Then and, since and
(b) Assume
Since and then
Case 1:
Then and
Case 2:
Then and (since and
Notes and References
These are notes from a 2010 course on Real Analysis 620-295. This page comes from 100505Lect24.pdf and was given on 5 May 2010.
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