Week 10 Problem Sheet
Group Theory and Linear algebra
Semester II 2011

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updates: 1 September 2011

(1) Week 10: Vocabulary
(2) Week 10: Results
(3) Week 10: Examples and computations

Week 10: Vocabulary

Define 2 and 𝔼2 and give some illustrative examples.
Define isometry of 𝔼2 and give some illustrative examples.
Define a rotation of 𝔼2 and give some illustrative examples.
Define a reflection of 𝔼2 and give some illustrative examples.
Define a translation of 𝔼2 and give some illustrative examples.
Define glide reflection of 𝔼2 and give some illustrative examples.
Define n and 𝔼n and give some illustrative examples.
Define isometry of 𝔼n and give some illustrative examples.
Define a rotation of 𝔼n and give some illustrative examples.
Define a reflection of 𝔼n and give some illustrative examples.
Define a translation of 𝔼n and give some illustrative examples.
Define the groups On() and SOn() and give some illustrative examples.
Define a rotation in 2 and give some illustrative examples.
Define a rotation in 3 and give some illustrative examples.

Week 10: Results

Show that if an isometry fixes two points then it fixes all points of the line on which they lie.
Show that if an isometry fixes three points which do not all lie on a line then it fixes all of 𝔼2.
Let σ1 and σ2 be reflections in axes L1 and L2. Show that
(a)   If L1 and L2 intersect then the product σ1σ2 is a rotation about the point of intersection of L1 and L2 with an angle of rotation twice the angle between L1 and L2, and
(b)   If L1 and L2 are parallel then the product σ1σ2 is a translation in a direction perpendicular to Li with a magnitude equal to twice the distance between L1 and L2.
Show that the product of three reflections in parallel axes is a reflection.
Show that the product of three reflections in axes which are not parallel and which do not intersect in a point is a glide reflection.
Show that the set of fixed points of an isometry is one of the following:
(1)   All of 𝔼2, in which case the isometry is the identity;
(2)   A line in 𝔼2, in which case the isometry is the reflection in that line;
(3)   A single point, in which case the isometry is a rotation about that point and can be expressed as the product of two reflections;
(4)   empty, in which case the isometry is either (a) a translation and can be expressed as the product of two reflections or (b) a glide reflection and can be expressed as the product of three reflections.
Let be the group of isometries of 𝔼2. Show that the set of translations forms a normal subgroup of .
Let be the group of isometries of 𝔼2. Let P be a point of 𝔼2. Show that the set of isometries of 𝔼2 which fix P is a subgroup of .
Let be the group of isometries of 𝔼2. Let P and Q be points of 𝔼2. Let 𝒪P be the set of isometries that fix P and let 𝒪Q be the sets of isometries that fix Q. Show that 𝒪P and 𝒪Q are conjugate subgroups of .
Let be the group of isometries of 𝔼2. Let P be a point of 𝔼2. Show that every element of can be uniquely expressed as a product of a translation and an isometry fixing P.
Let be the group of isometries of 𝔼2. Let P be a point of 𝔼2. Let 𝒪P be the set of isometries that fix P. Show that there is a surjective homomorphism πP: 𝒪P.
Show that a finite group of isometries of 𝔼2 is a cyclic group or a dihedral group.
Let f be an isometry of 𝔼n such that f(0)=0. Show that there exists an orthogonal matrix AOn () such that f(x) =Ax, for x𝔼n.
Show that if f:𝔼n 𝔼n then there exist AOn() and bn such that f(x)=Ax+b.

Week 10: Examples and computations

Describe the rotational symmetries of a cube. There are 24 in all. Are there any other symmetries besides these rotations?
Describe the 12 rotational symmetries of a regular tetrahedron.
Find two “different” multiplication tables for groups with 4 elements. Show that both can be represented as symmetry groups of geometric figures in 2.
Let AOn(). Show that the linear transformation f:n n defined by f(x)=Ax is an isometry.
Let bn. Show that the function tb: n n given by tb(x) =x+b is an isometry. Show that the inverse of tb is t-b.
Show that compositions of isometries are isometries.
Define a "reflection in a line" in 𝔼2 and show that it is an isometry.
Define a "rotation about a point" in 𝔼2 and show that it is an isometry.
Define a "translation" in 𝔼2 and show that it is an isometry.
Define a "glide relfection" in 𝔼2 and show that it is an isometry.
Let be the group of isometries of 𝔼2. Let + denote the subset of consisting of all translations together with all rotations. Show that + is a subgroup of .
Let be the group of isometries of 𝔼2. Let + denote the subset of consisting of all translations together with all rotations. Show that + is a subgroup of index 2 in and that + is a normal subgroup of .
Let be the group of isometries of 𝔼2. Let + denote the subset of consisting of all translations together with all rotations. Show that f + if and only if f is a product of an even number of reflections.
Identify 𝔼2 with the complex plane so that each point of 𝔼2 can be represented by a complex number. Show that every isometry can be represented in the form zeiθ z+u or of the form zeiθ z+u, for some real number θ and some complex number u. Show that the former type correspond to orientation preserving isometries.
Let be the group of isometries of 𝔼2. Describe the conjugacy classes in the group .
Show that if f and g are isometries of 𝔼n then so is f g.
Let (A,b) denote the isometry of 𝔼n given by xAx+b for AO(n), bn.
(a)   Show that the function π: isom(𝔼n) O(n) given by π((A,b)) =A is a homomorphism.
(b)   Find the kernel and image of π.
(c)   Deduce that the set T of all translations is a normal subgroup of isom(𝔼n) with isom(𝔼n)/T isomorphic to O(n).
Show that the subset isom+( 𝔼n) of orientation preserving isometries of 𝔼n is a normal subgroup of index 2 in isom(𝔼n).
Write each of the following isometries of 𝔼2 in the form (A,b), where AO(2) and b2.
(i)   f is the anticlockwise rotation through π/2 about the point (0,0).
(ii)   g is the anticlockwise rotation through π about the point (1,0).
(iii)   h is the reflection in the line x+y +2=0.
(iv)   fg and gf.
Let f and g be the isometries of 𝔼2 given by: f is the anticlockwise rotation through π/2 about the point (0,0) and g is the anticlockwise rotation through π about the point (1,0). Show that fg and gf are rotations and find the fixed point and the angle of rotation for each of them.
Let R1 and R2 be reflections in the lines y=0 and y=a, respectively. Find formulas for R1 and R2 and verify that R1R2 and R2R1 are translations.
Let f be an orientation reversing isometry of 𝔼2. Show that f2 is a translation.
Let Fix(h)= {x| h(x)=x}. Show that if f:𝔼2 𝔼2 and g:𝔼2 𝔼2 are isometries then Fix(gfg-1) =gFix(f).
Let f:𝔼2 𝔼2 and g:𝔼2 𝔼2 be isometries. Show that if f is the reflection in a line L then gfg-1 is reflection in the line g(L).
Let f:𝔼2 𝔼2 and g:𝔼2 𝔼2 be isometries. Show that if f is a rotation by θ about p then gfg-1 is a rotation about g(p) by θ if g preserves orientation and by -θ if g reverses orientation.
Let f:𝔼2 𝔼2 and g:𝔼2 𝔼2 be isometries. Show that if f is a translation then gfg-1 is a translation by the same distance.
Let D be the set of isometries of 𝔼2 consisting of all translations by (n,0) and all reflections in the lines x=n/2, where n . Show that D is a subgroup of isom( 𝔼2).
Let D be the set of isometries of 𝔼2 consisting of all translations by (n,0) and all reflections in the lines x=n/2, where n . Show that D acts on the x-axis and find the orbit and stabilizer of each of the points (1,0), (12 ,0), (13 ,0).
Let D be the set of isometries of 𝔼2 consisting of all translations by (n,0) and all reflections in the lines x=n/2, where n . Show that D is generated by a:(x,y) (x+1,y) and b:(x,y) (-x,y) and that these satisfy the relations b2=1 and bab-1 =a-1.
Show that every orientation preserving isometry of 𝔼3 is either: (i) a rotation about an axis, (ii) a translation, of (iii) a screw motion consisting of a rotation about an axis composed with a translation parallel to that axis.
Show that a rotation fixing the origin on 3 has an eigenvalue 1. Show that the corresponding eigenspace is of dimension 1, the axis of rotation.
Show that a rotation fixing the origin on 2 has two eigenvalues 1 and -1. Show that the eigenspace corresponding to 1 is the line of reflection and that the eigenspace corresponding to -1 is the perpendicular to the line of reflection.
Let f be a rotation on 3. Then the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation is an invariant subspace of f. Show that the matrix for the rotation with respect to a basis of two orthonormal vectors from the plane and a unit vector along the axis of rotation is ( cosθ -sinθ 0 sinθ cosθ 0 0 0 1 ).
Let f be a reflection, in a line through the origin, in 2. Show that the minimal polynomial of f is x2-1.
Define a 4-dimensional cube and work out some of its rotational symmetries.
What letters in the Roman alphabet display symmetry?
Show that the set of all rotations of the plane about a fixed centre P, together with the operation of composition of symmetries, form a group. What about all of the reflections for which the axis (or mirror) passes through P?
Describe the product of a rotation of the plane with a translation. Describe the product of two (planar) rotations about different axes.
Find the order of a reflection.
Find the order of a translation in the group of symmetries of a plane pattern.
Can you find an example of two symmetries of finite order where the product is of infinite order?
Let G be the group of symmetries of a plane tesselation. Decide whether the set of rotations in G is a subgroup.


[GH] J.R.J. Groves and C.D. Hodgson, Notes for 620-297: Group Theory and Linear Algebra, 2009.

[Ra] A. Ram, Notes in abstract algebra, University of Wisconsin, Madison 1994.