Group Theory and Linear Algebra

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 23 September 2014

Lecture 17: The Spectral Theorem

Let V be a finite dimensional vector space. Let ,:V×V be a positive definite Hermitian form. Let f:VV be a linear transformation. The adjoint to f is f*:VV such that if u,wV then f(u),w=u,f*(w).

The linear transformation f is

self adjoint, or Hermitian, if f satisfies f=f*,
an isometry, or unitary, if f satisfies f*f=1,
normal, if f satisfies f*f=ff*.

Let A be an n×n matrix. The matrix A is

self adjoint, or Hermitian, if A satisfies A=At,
an isometry, or unitary, if A satisfies AtA=1,
normal, if A satisfies AAt= AtA.

Let V be an inner product space and let B={b1,b2,,bk} be an orthonormal basis of V. Then C= { f(b1), f(b2),, f(bk) } is an orthonormal basis of V if and only if f is unitary.

(Spectral Theorem). Let V be an inner product space and let f:VV be a normal linear transformation. Let B={b1,bk} be an orthonormal basis of V and let A=Bf be the matrix of f with respect to B. Then, there exists a unitary matrix P such that PAP-1 is diagonal.

Idea of proof.

Show that A and At have a common eigenvector v1 (so that Av1=λv1 and Atv1=μv1).

Let U1=span{v1} and write V=U1U1.

Show that A and At have a common eigenvector v2U1.

Let U2=span{v2} and write V=U1(U2U2). Continue to get C={v1,v2,,vk}.

Let A= ( 001 100 010 ) ,ζ=-1+3i2, ζ2=-1-3i2. Then At= ( 010 001 100 ) and AAt= ( 100 010 001 ) =AtA. So A is a normal matrix. Then v1=(111) is an eigenvector Av1=v1. If U1=span{(111)} then U1= { (a1a2a3) |a1+a2+a3=0 } . Then v2=(1-1-3i2-1+3i2) is an eigenvector Av2=ζv2. U2=span{v2}=span {(1-1-3i2-1+3i2)} is a subspace of U1 and its complement in U1 is U2 = { (a1a2a3) |a1+a2+a3=0, a1+ζ2a2+ζa3=0 } = span{(1ζζ2)} since dim(U2)=1 and 1+ζ2·ζ2+ζ·ζ=1=ζ+ζ2=0. (Note: ζ=ζ2 and ζ2=ζ). Let v3=(1ζζ2) with respect to the basis {v1,v2,v3}=B, Ba= ( 100 0ζ0 00ζ2 ) . If P=13 ( 111 1ζ2ζ 1ζζ2 ) is the change of basis matrix from S={e1,e2,e3} with e1=(100), e2=(010), e3=(001) to B={v1,v2,v3} with v1=13(111), v2=13(1ζ2ζ), v3=13(1ζζ2) so that both S and B are orthonormal, then P-1=Pt=13 ( 111 1ζζ2 1ζ2ζ ) , since P is unitary, and PAP-1= ( 100 0ζ0 00ζ2 ) is diagonal.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 17 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Group Theory and Linear Algebra given on August 31, 2011.

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