Group Theory and Linear Algebra

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 24 September 2014

Lecture 24: G/kerfimf

Group homomorphisms are for comparing groups.

Let G and H be groups. A group homomorphism from G to H is a function f:GH such that

(a) If g1,g2G then f(g1g2)=f(g1)f(g2).

Let f:GH be a group homomorphism. The kernel of f is kerf={gG|f(g)=1}. The image of g is imf= {f(g)|gG}.

Let f:GH be a group homomorphism. Then kerf is a normal subgroup of G.

Proof of crucial point.

To show: If gG and kkerf then gkg-1kerf.
Assume gG and kkerf.
To show: gkg-1kerf.
To show: f(gkg-1)=1.
Since kkerf, f(k)=1.
Since f(gg-1)=f(1)=1 then f(g-1)=f(g)-1.
So f(gkg-1) = f(g)f(k)f(g-1) = f(g)f(k) f(g)-1 = f(g)·1·f (g)-1 = 1.

Let f:GH be a group homomorphism. Let K=kerf.

(a) The function f: G imf g f(g) is a surjective group homomorphism.
(b) The function fˆ: GK H gK f(g) is a well defined injective group homomorphism.
(c) The function fˆ: GK imf gK f(g) is a well defined bijective group homomorphism.

Proof in order of most crucial points to least crucial.

(ba) To show: The function fˆ:GKH give by fˆ(gK)=f(g) is well defined. (i.e. is a function).
To show: If g1K=g2K then fˆ(g1K)=fˆ(g2K).
Assume g1K=g2K.
Then g1g2K.
So there exists kK such that g1=g2k.
To show: fˆ(g1K)=fˆ(g2K).
To show: f(g1)=f(g2). f(g1)= f(g2k)= f(g2)f(k)= f(g2)·1= f(g2).
(bb) To show: The function fˆ:GKH given by fˆ(gK)=f(g) is injective.
To show: If g1K,g2KGK and fˆ(g1K)=fˆ(g2K) then g1K=g2K.
Assume g1K,g2KGK and fˆ(g1K)=fˆ(g2K).
Then f(g1)=f(g2).
To show: g1K=g2K.
To show: g1g2K, since GK partitions G.
To show: There exists kK such that g1=g2k.
To show: k=g2-1g1 is an element of K=kerf.
To show: f(g2-1g1)=1. f(g2-1g1)= f(g2-1)f(g1)= f(g2)-1f(g1)= f(g2)-1f(g2)= 1.

G=GL2()= { (abcd) |a,b,c,d andad-bc0 } . Then f: GL2() GL1() A det(A) is a group homomorphism because det(A1A2)=det(A1)det(A2). Then kerf = {AGL2()|f(A)=1} = {AGL2()|det(A)=1} = SL2(). Since imf=× (because det(a001)=a) then Gkerf×. So GL2()SL2() × and SL2() is a normal subgroup of GL2().

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 24 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Group Theory and Linear Algebra given on September 16, 2011.

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