Group Theory and Linear Algebra

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 17 September 2014

Lecture 4: Functions

Functions are for comparing sets.

Let S and T be sets. A function from S to T is a subset f of S×T, f={(s,f(s))|sS}, such that

(a) If sS then there exists tT such that (s,t)f.
(b) If sS, and t1,t2T and (s,t1),(s,t2)f then t1=t2.
The function f is an assignment assigning a mark f(s) from T to each sS. Write f:ST sf(s) or SfT.

A function f:ST is injective if it satisfies: if s1,s2S and f(s1)=f(s2) then s1=s2.

A function f:ST is surjective if it satisfies: if tT then there exists sS such that f(s)=t.

A function f:ST is bijective if it is injective and surjective.

Let f:ST and g:ST be funtions. The functions f and g are equal if they satisfy if sS then f(s)=g(s).

Let f:ST and g:TU be functions. The composition of g and f is the function gf:STgiven by (gf)(s)=g (f(s)).

Let S be a set. The identity function on S is the function idS:SSgiven by idS(s)=s.

Let f:ST be a function. An inverse function to f:ST is a function g:TS such that gf=idSand fg=idT.

Let f:ST be a function.

(a) An inverse function to f exists if and only if f is bijective.
(b) If an inverse function to f exists then it is unique.


Assume f:ST is a function.

To show: An inverse function to f exists if and only if f is bijective.
Assume that an inverse function to f exists: g:TS such that gf=idS and fg=idT.
To show: f is bijective.
To show:
(1) f is injective.
(2) f is surjective.
To show: If s1,s2S and f(s1)=f(s2) then s1=s2.
Assume s1,s2S and f(s1)=f(s2).
To show: s1=s2.
s1 = idS(s1)= (gf)(s1) =g(f(s1)) = g(f(s2))= (gf)(s2) =idS(s2)=s2.
To show: If tT then there exists sS such that f(s)=t.
Assume tT.
To show: There exists sS such that f(s)=t.
Let s=g(t).
To show: f(s)=t.
f(s)= f(g(t))= (fg)(t)= idT(t)=t.
So f is bijective.
To show: If f:ST is bijective then an inverse function g:TS exists.
Assume f:ST is bijective.
To show: There exists g:TS such that gf=idSand fg=idT.
Let g:TS be given by g={(t,s)T×S|f(s)=t}.
To show:
(a) g is a function.
(b) gf=idS.
(c) fg=idT.
To show:
(aa) If tT then there exists sS such that (t,s)g.
(ab) If tT and s1,s2S and (t,s1)g and (t,s2)g then s1=s2.
Assume tT.
To show: There exists sS such that (t,s)g.
To show: There exists sS such that f(s)=t.
This holds since f is surjective.
Assume tT, s1,s2S and (t,s1),(t,s2)g.
To show: s1=s2.
Since (t,s1),(t,s2)g, then f(s1)=t and f(s2)=t.
Since f is injective, s1=s2.
To show: gf=idS.
To show: If sS then (gf)(s)=idS(s).
Assume sS.
To show: (gf)(s)=idS(s).
(gf)(s)=g(f(s))=s1, where s1S such that f(s1)=f(s).
Since f is injective, s1=s.
So (gf)(s)=s=idS(s).
To show: (fg)=idT.
To show: If tT then (fg)(t)=idT(t).
Assume tT.
To show: (fg)(t)=idT(t).
(fg)(t)=f(g(t))=f(s), where sS such that f(s)=t.
So (fg)(t)=f(s)=t=idT(t).
So g is an inverse function to f.
To show: The inverse function to f:ST is unique.
Assume g1:TS and g2:TS are inverse functions to f.
To show: g1=g2.
To show: If tT then g1(t)=g2(t).
We know that (fg1)=idT, (g1f)=idS, (fg2)=idT, (g2f)=idS. Assume tT.
To show: g1(t)=g2(t).
g1(t) = g1(idT(t))= g1((fg2)(t))= g1(f(g2(t))) = (g1f)(g2(t))= idS(g2(t))= g2(t). So g1=g2.
So the inverse function to f:ST is unique.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 4 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Group Theory and Linear Algebra given on August 1, 2011.

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