Representation Theory

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 2 October 2014

Lecture 11

A morphism f:XY of spaces provides df:Tx(X) Tf(x)(y), for xX.

Let G be a Lie group or algebraic group. The conjugation action of G on G is given by Ing: G G h ghg-1 for gG. The differential of these maps gives the Adjoint action of G on 𝔤=T1(G) Adg: 𝔤𝔤, for gG.

G=GLn has Lie algebra 𝔤𝔩n=Mn() and the exponential map is 𝔤𝔩n GLn x ex where ex=1+x+x22! +x33!+. SOn,On,Spn etc. are subgroups of GLn and 𝔰𝔬n,𝔬n,𝔰𝔭n etc. are Lie subalgebras of 𝔤𝔩n.

Since Ing: GLn GLn h ghg-1 ety getyg-1 and getxg-1=g (1+tx+t2x22!+t3x33!+) g-1=et(gxg-1) it follows that Adg: 𝔤𝔩n 𝔤𝔩n x gxg-1. Let M be a G-module, ρ: G GL(M) g ρ(g) etx ρ(etx), the corresponding representation of G. If ρ(x)=dρ(etx)dt |t=0 then ρ(etx)=etρ(x) and we get a representation of 𝔤 on M ρ: 𝔤 End(M) x ρ(x). The group G acts on 𝔤 by the Adjoint action Adg: 𝔤 𝔤 x gxg-1 and the Lie algebra 𝔤 acts on 𝔤 by the adjoint action ady: 𝔤 𝔤 x [y,x], for y𝔤 since Adty(x) = etyxe-ty = (1+ty+t2y22!+)x (1-ty+t2y22!-t3y33!+) = x+t(yx-xy)+ t22! (y2x-2yxy+xy2)+ = (etady)(x). Note: (ady)2(x)= [y,[y,x]]= [y,(yx-xy)]= y2x-yxy-yxy+xy2. So we have three actions: conjugation action Ing: G G h ghg-1 Adjoint action Adg: 𝔤 𝔤 x gxg-1 adjoint action ady: 𝔤 𝔤 x [y,x]

Let M be a G-module. The dual vector space M*=Hom(M,)= {φ:M|φis linear} is a G-module with action given by (gφ)(m)= φ(g-1m), for gG, mM. Since (etxφ)(m)= φ(e-txm), if M is a 𝔤-module, then M* is a 𝔤-module with action given by (xφ)(m)=φ (-xm), for x𝔤, mM. Thus we have S-actions: conjugation: Ing: G G h ghg-1 , Adjoint: Adg: 𝔤 𝔤 x gxg-1 ,co Adjoint: Ad𝔤*: 𝔤* 𝔤* , adjoint: ady: 𝔤 𝔤 x [y,x] ,coadjoint: ady*: 𝔤* 𝔤* .

Tori and Cartan subalgebras

Let G be an algebraic group. A torus H is a subgroup of G such that H ×××× n , for some n>0.

Let K be a Lie group. A torus T is a subgroup of K such that K S1××S1 n , for some n>0 where S=U(1)= {z×|zz=1}.

Let 𝔤 be a Lie algebra. An abelian Lie subalgebra is a Lie subalgebra 𝔥 such that [h1,h2]=0, for h1,h2𝔥.

A Cartan subalgebra is a maximal abelian Lie subalgebra of 𝔤.

A maximal torus of GLn is H= { (x100xn) |x1,,xn× } . A Cartan subalgebra of 𝔤𝔩n is 𝔥= { (h100hn) |h1,,hn } . Note that 𝔥=Lie(H)=T1(H). Since 𝔥𝔤 and HG, H acts on G by conjugation,
H acts on 𝔤 by the Adjoint action,
𝔥 acts on 𝔤 by the adjoint action.
The irreducible (rational) representations of H are Xμ = Xμ1ε1++μnεn = Xμ1ε1 Xμnεn = (Xε1)μ1 (Xεn)μn, with μ1,,μn where Xεi: H × (x100xn) xi. The irreducible representations of 𝔥 are μ:𝔥, so that μ𝔥*, and μ=μ1ε1++ μnεn, with μ1,,μn and εi: 𝔥 (h100hn) hi. Hence 𝔥* indexes irreducible representations of 𝔥, and {Xμ|μ𝔥*} are the irreducible representations of H.

Weights and roots

Let M be a G-module and Xμ:H× an irreducible representation of H. The μ-weight space of M is Mμ = {mM|for eachtH,tm=Xμ(t)m} = {mM|for eachh𝔥,hm=μ(h)m}. The generalized μ-weight space of M is Mμgen = { mM|for each tH,(t-Xμ(t)) m=0, for some>0 } = { mM|for eachh𝔥, (h-μ(h))m=0 , for some>0 } . Note that MμMμgen and Mμgen0 implies Mμ0. M=μ𝔥* Mμgen

The weights of M are the μ such that Mμ0.

The adjoint representation 𝔤 (G acts on 𝔤 or 𝔤 acts on 𝔤) is a G-module.

The roots of G (or 𝔤) are the nonzero weights of 𝔤.

Note that 𝔤0=𝔥, so the "interesting" weights of 𝔤 are the nonzero ones.

𝔤=𝔤𝔩n has basis {Eij|1i,jn}. If t=(x100xn)Hand h=(h100hn)𝔥 then tEijt-1= xixj-1Eij= Xεi-εj (t)Eij and [h,Eij]= (hi-hj) Eij=(εi-εj) (h)Eij and hence 𝔤εi-εj= Eij, for 1i,jn (and 𝔤0=𝔥). Note that 𝔤 contains lots of 𝔰𝔩2-subalgebras Eij = ( 0 1 0 ) ,where1is entry(i,j), Eji = ( 0 1 0 ) ,where1is entry(j,i), hij = ( 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 ) .

A one parameter subgroup is an "embedding" of × in G.

An "SL2 imbedding" is a homomorphism 𝔤α:SL2() G.

The Weyl group is W0=N(H)H where N(H) is the normalizer of H in G, N(H)= {nG|nHn-1=H}. The Weyl group acts on H, by conjugation, and W0 acts on 𝔥 and, hence W0acts on𝔥*, and w:MμMwμ, for wW.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 11 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Representation Theory given on October 19, 2008.

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