Representation Theory

Arun Ram
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia

Last updated: 2 October 2014

Lecture 2

The Temperley-Lieb algebra TLk is TLk=span {noncrossing diagrams withktop dots andkbottom dots} (generatorsA) with product b1b2= (q+q-1)# of internal loops b1 b2 (relationsA).

TL1 = span{}, TL2 = span { , } , TL3 = span { , , , , } and TL4 = span { , , , , , , , , , , , , , , } . Let ei= i i+1 ,fori=1,,k-1 (generatorsB).

TLk is presented by generators e1,,ek-1 and relations ei2(q+q-1)ei andeiei±1 ei=ei(relationsB).


To show:
(a) Generators A can be written in terms of generators B.
(b) Relations A can be derived from relations B.
(c) Generators B can be written in terms of generators A.
(d) Relations B can be derived from relations A.


(a) Define the symmetric group Sk (via permutations).
(b) Let si= i i+1 ,i=1,2,,k-1. Show that Sk is presented by generators s1,,sk-1 and relations si2=1and sisi+1si =si+1si si+1.
(c) Define the Young lattice and show that it is the Bratelli diagram for the tower S1 S2 S3
(d) Let mi=s1i+ s2i+ s3i++ si-1,i, where sij= i j for 1i<jk. Let m1=0. Show that mimj=mjmi , for 1i<jk.
(e) Show that each irreducible Sk-module Sλ has a basis of simultaneous eigenvectors vT for m1,,mk, i.e.mivT= c(T(i))vT.
(f) Find the eigenvalues c(T(i)).
(2) Following the work of R. Block, classify the simple modules of Uq𝔰𝔩2, where Uq𝔰𝔩2 is the algebra generated by E,F,K±1 with relations KK-1=K-1K=1, KEK-1=q2E, KFK-1=q-2F, EF-FE= K-K-1q-q-1.


Let A be an algebra. A trace on A is a linear transformation t:A such that t(a1a2)= t(a2a1), for a1,a2A.

Let ρM: A End(M) a aM be a representation of A.

The character of M is the trace χM: A a Tr(aM) , where Tr(aM)= mBam|m for a basis B of M, with am|m=coefficient ofm inam (expanded in the basis B).

Given a trace t:A define ,:AA bya1,a2 =t(a1a2), for a1,a2A. Then a1,a2= a2,a1 and a1a2,a3= a1,a2a3, for a1,a2,a3A. The radical of is Rad(,)= { rA| r,a=0 for allaA } .

Let B={b1,,bn} be a basis of A. The dual basis to B with respect to , is B*={b1*,,bn*} such that bi,bj* =δij. The Gram matrix of , is G= (bi,bj)bi,bjB.

HW: Show that Rad(,)=0 Gis invertible detGis invertible The dual basis B* exists A nondegenerate trace is a trace t:A such that Rad(,)=0.

HW: Show that Rad(,) is an ideal of A.

TL3 = span { , , , , } , B = { , , , , } . Define a trace on TL3 by t(b)= (q+q-1)# of cycles in cl(b), where cl(b)= b .

Commuting operators

Let A be an algebra, M an A-module. The commutant or centralizer algebra is EndA(M)= { φEnd(M)| aMφ=φ aM, foraA } . Recall that A End(M) a aM is an algebra homomorphism. Let M and N be simple A-modules and φ:MN and A-module homomorphism (i.e. φaM=aNφ, for aA). Then kerφandimφ are submodules of M and N, respectively. So kerφ=0 or kerφ=M and imφ=0 or imφ=N. So φ=0 or φ is a bijection (and MN).

Let λ be an eigenvalue of φ. Then φ-λEndA(M). So φ-λ=0 or φ-λ is invertible. Since det(φ-λ)=0, φ-λ is not invertible. So φ=λ·Id.

(Schur's Lemma) Let M be a simple module. Then EndA(M)= ·idM.

Let A be a finite dimensional algebra. Let t:A be a nondegenerate trace on A. Let B be a basis of A and let B* be the dual basis with respect to ,.

(Maschke's theorem).

(a) Let M,N be A-modules and let φ:MN be a vector space morphism. Then [φ]=bB bφb* is an A-module homomorphism, i.e. [φ]HomA(M,N).
(b) Assume t is the trace of the regular representation. Every finite dimensional A-module M is completely decomposable.


(a) Let aA. Then a[φ] = bBabφb* = b,cB ab,c* cφb* = b,cB cφab,c* b* = b,cBcφ c*a,b b* = cBcφ c*a = [φ]a. HW: Show that φ does not depend on the choice of the basis B.
(b) Let M be a finite dimensional A-module.
Assume NM is a nonzero submodule.
Let π:MM be a vector space homomorphism such that imπ=N and π(n)=n, for nN. (i.e. define π(ni)=ni, π(mj)=0 for a basis {n1,,nr} of N and a basis {n1,,nr,m1,,ms} of M.)
To show:
(ba) im[π]=N and [π]n=n for nN.
(bb) M=[π]M(1-[π])M, and [π]M=N and (1-[π])M are submodules.
(ba) If nN [π]n= bBbπb* n=(bBbb*)n. Since bBbb*,a= bBab,b*= Tr(aA)=1,a for all aA, it follows that bBbb*=1.
So [π]n=1·n=n.
If mM then [π]m=bBbπb*mN since πb*mN and N is a submodule.
(bb) If mM then m=([π]+(1-[π]))m= [π]m+(1-[π])m. So M=[π]M+ (1-[π])M. If m[π]M(1-[π])M then m=[π](1-[π])m= ([π]-[π])m=0.

The regular representation

The regular representation of A is the vector space A with A-action given by left multiplication. ρA: A End(A) a aA is injective because a·1=a implies kerρA=0.

Identify A with imρA, so that A "is" a set of matrices. A matrix a is nilpotent if ak=0, for some k>0.

Let t: A a Tr(aA) be the trace of the regular representation. Then Rad(,) is the largest ideal of A such that every element is nilpotent.


To show:
(a) Every element of Rad(,) is nilpotent.
(b) If J is an ideal of A and every element of J is nilpotent then JRad(,).
(a) Let rRad(,).
Then Tr(rk)=rk,1 =r,rk-1=0, for all k>0.
Let λ1,,λn be the eigenvalues of r.
Then pk(λ1,,λn) =λ1k++λnk= Tr(rk)=0, for all k>0.
Since pk(λ1,,λn)=0, for k>0, ek(λ1,,λn)=0 (*) for k>0.
So i=1n (z+λi)= k=0n ek(λ1,,λn) zn-k=zn. So λ1==λn=0. Thus, by Jordan normal form, r is nilpotent (conjugate to a strictly upper triangular matrix).
(b) Assume J is an ideal of A and all elements of J are nilpotent.
Let rJ and aA.
Then raJ and, since ra is nilpotent, 0=Tr(ra)=r,a. So rRad(,).

Expansion of (*): Since pk(λ1,,λn)=0 for k>0 1 = e-k>0pk(λ1,,λn)k(-z)k = e-i=1nk>0(-λiz)kk = i=1n e-ln(11+λiz) = i=1n eln(1+λiz) = i=1n (1+λiz) = k0 ek(λ1,,λn) zk, where the 3rd equality follows from 11-x=1+x+x2 +, so that 11+x=1+ (-x)+(-x)2+ and ln(1+x) = 11+xdx = x-x22+x33 -x44+ = -(-x)- (-x)22- (-x)33- (-x)44- = -k>0 (-x)kk.

Notes and References

These are a typed copy of Lecture 2 from a series of handwritten lecture notes for the class Representation Theory given on August 5, 2008.

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